Notary, Apostile

Along the journey of your immigration applications, you will be required to visit Notary, so a publicly commissioned official who will impartially witness the signing of important legal documents.
The notarization of the documents will include mostly real estate deeds, company setup deeds, powers of attorney, wills, trusts, and so on. The Spanish notary’s main function is legalization of agreements and contracts, along with:
- Drafting the documents,
- Advising about the formalities and legal procedures,
- Certifying the act, facts or agreements taking place in front of the Notary.
The most common documents that are signed before a notary are:
- Power of attorney,
- Contracts and agreements,
- Foundation of the companies,
- Mortgages and loans,
- Testaments and last wills,
- Inheritance declarations, etc.
The institution of Notary is a way to create a trustworthy environment for the signing of an agreement between the parties and in ICS we ensure to present to you the most efficient Notary is Spain.
We will support you with scheduling of an appointment and assist you to the Notary, if required.
Apostille authenticates the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificates, court orders, or any other document issued by a public authority so that they can be recognized in foreign countries that are members of the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty, like for example Spain. The main aim is to simplify the legalization of the public documents in order to make them valid internationally.
Therefore, in area of the immigration you will meet this requirement very often, especially applying from the country of your origin where not only the authentication, but as well the judicial translation of the public documents, will be required.
The apostille is provided by a competent authority in the country where the document was issued, and it is not lawyer’s competition to certify.
What documents require the apostille?
- All public documents,
- Judicial documents,
- Administrative documents,
- Official certifications that have been affixed to private documents
Who can request the apostille?
It is you actually! As a holder of a public document you can request the apostille in order to certify its authenticity on international area.
As a part of our services, in ICS we will always ensure that all the documents you will need for the presentation of your application are in the correct format, and you will always be informed in case they need translation or the apostille.